Burial Service
Burial Service In Bhubaneswar is an excellent pick and drop service designed by ANNAPURANNA in its bid to deliver the best kind of services and be able to provide different sorts of services to hospitals and patients both alike. By providing Burial Service in Bhubaneswar we have taken a leap ahead of all the other Ambulance Van service providers by a simple reason that they are still providing what we can call as emergency services but not pick and drop facilities like us at all.
We have our daily contacts with hundreds of Nursing bureau in Delhi alone so as to be able to do the outreach program with different hospitals that we are connected with. We provide nurses and other hospital staff pick and drop facilities through our renowned Burial Ambulance Service in Bhubaneswar , we have over the time accomplished this tag of being more than an ambulance. We are not just providers but helpers, servers and a chain that is called as ANNAPURANNA which helps in easing the 'ANNAPURANNA' of every individual of the city.